-Our website presents 65% from our inventory.
Bild Carpet ID Name Size Age Price
MMM-49 Belutch Persian 1925 207 x 124 1925 on request
MUOE-19 Shiraz Persian 150 x 125 1905 SOLD
OZ-4 Baktiar Louri Persian 1890 230 x 143 1890 CHF 3'200.--
P-1080 Afshar Persian 1926 330 x 210 1926 on request
P-1403A Louristan Persian 1905 272 x 99 1905 On request
P-1910 Qashqai Persian 255 x 158 Collectors item on request
P-2083 Louri-Kurd Persian 1920 304 x 106 1920 On request
P-2229 Shahsavan Persian 450 x 116 Collector|s item On request
P-2388 Qashqai Persian 302 x 215 1910 on request

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