-Our website presents 65% from our inventory.
Bild Carpet ID Name Size Age Price
K-3320 Belutch Persian 142 x 80 Collector|s item on request
K-3331 Louri Kurd Persian 218 x 128 collector|s item on request
K-3342 Afshar Persian 1935 183 x 140 1935 on request
K-3345 Louri Kurd Persian 480 x 116 old On request
K-3378 Shiraz Khamse Persian 1922 346 x 109 1922 CHF 2'650.--
K-3384 Afshar Persian 1920 178 x 128 1920 On request
K-3385 Shiraz Persian 320 x 140 1920 CHF 2'400.--
K-3437 Shahsavan Persian 1922 283 x 105 1922 On request
K-3438 Veramin-Kurd Persian 282 x 162 1900 CHF 2'400.-

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