You are invited to inspect our new arrival. From our enormous stock of 17 000 pieces, 8 000 pictures are available in our website. In addition we do get monthly bases a mixed collection of antique and new carpets, over size, collectors item, museum standard, tapestries, kelims, horse-covers, saddle-bags, salt bags etc. from all different provinces and different sizes.
Our hospitality starts from Zurich airport.
For your further questions we are always at your disposal.

Joker program (attractive offer for expositions)
By purchasing carpets as consignment for three months period: consignee obligation is to deposit in our bank account the purchase value.
- Sold carpets must be declared monthly.
- Issued invoice will be reduced automatically from the account.
- Possibility to prolong the consignment period or to replace the merchandise.
- By returning the remain consignment, the consignee will get the rest deposit.

Business Option "A"
- By buying in cash 45 000.00 / 50 000.00 CHF. merchandise, you have the option to exchange them once during 12 months period. Purchase value for replacement, per piece not below 1 600.00 CHF.
- By buying in cash 65 000.00 / 100 000.00 CHF. merchandise, you have the option to exchange them two times during 12 months period. Purchase value for replacement, per piece not below 1 800.oo CHF.
- By buying in cash 125 000.00 / 200 000.00 CHF. merchandise, you have the option to exchange them three times during 12 months period. Purchase value for replacement, per piece not below 2 000.00 CHF.

Business Proposition "B"
Trade offer for trustful customer
Our proposition is: you can purchase carpets in our establishment and take care in advance payment 50% on purchase value. Three months later, you will decide which carpets you will keep definite and return the rest. All beside expanses pass to consignee, starting from our lager/Switzerland.

Consignment Offer "C"
Special offer for trustful customers. For your ready buyer/customer, you will receive consignment carpets, for a period of two weeks. Other requests are discussable.

Business and Consignment Offer "D"
Special offer for trustful customers.
By buying in cash for 50 000.00 CHF., you will receive equal value consignment merchandise for a period of six months.

Facility Offer "E"
Trustful, regular and long period customers can benefit from our credit facilities.

Business offer for beginner "F"
-Advance investment CHF. 200 000.00 in carpets, option to exchange every three months on purchase value.
Beside that, for the ready buyer, you will recieve consignment carpets for 20 days, for the sum of circa CHF. 40|000.00 Other requests are discussable.

Note: Click the link below to see more Carpets